[HackCTF] x64 simple_size_BOF
main을 덤프뜬 코드 Dump of assembler code for function main: 0x0000000000400636 : push rbp 0x0000000000400637 : mov rbp,rsp 0x000000000040063a : sub rsp,0x6d30 0x0000000000400641 : mov rax,QWORD PTR [rip+0x200a08] # 0x601050 0x0000000000400648 : mov ecx,0x0 0x000000000040064d : mov edx,0x2 0x0000000000400652 : mov esi,0x0 0x0000000000400657 : mov rdi,rax 0x000000000040065a : call 0x400520 0x0000000000..
[HackCTF] 내 버퍼가 흘러넘친다!!!
메인 함수를 덤프뜬 모습 Dump of assembler code for function main: 0x080484cb : push ebp 0x080484cc : mov ebp,esp 0x080484ce : sub esp,0x14 0x080484d1 : mov eax,ds:0x804a040 0x080484d6 : push 0x0 0x080484d8 : push 0x2 0x080484da : push 0x0 0x080484dc : push eax 0x080484dd : call 0x80483b0 0x080484e2 : add esp,0x10 0x080484e5 : push 0x80485b0 0x080484ea : call 0x8048380 0x080484ef : add esp,0x4 0x080484f2 :..
[HackCTF] Basic_FSB
주어진 파일을 먼저 disassemble 해보자. Dump of assembler code for function main: 0x080485ed : lea ecx,[esp+0x4] 0x080485f1 : and esp,0xfffffff0 0x080485f4 : push DWORD PTR [ecx-0x4] 0x080485f7 : push ebp 0x080485f8 : mov ebp,esp 0x080485fa : push ecx 0x080485fb : sub esp,0x4 0x080485fe : mov eax,ds:0x804a044 0x08048603 : push 0x0 0x08048605 : push 0x2 0x08048607 : push 0x0 0x08048609 : push eax 0x0804860a ..